Bellarine Memorial Park


1681-1729 Bellarine Highway, Marcus Hill, Victoria, 3222 Australia

Office hours

There is no office at this location.

To book an appointment or meet a client services team member on site, please contact our main office on

Visiting hours

This location is being developed and no public access is currently available.

Overview of Cemetery

Bellarine Memorial Park, whilst not yet an operating park, has been established to cater to the growing suburbs within the Bellarine Peninsula.

Previously a blue gum plantation, a part of the landscape has been left in its natural state, providing a stunning, calm oasis for future visiting and memorialisation.

Positions at Bellarine Memorial Park are anticipated to be available within the next five years.

What we offer at this location

Burial options

This memorial park is still in development and burial options will be updated as they become available.

Cremation memorials

This memorial park is still in development and cremation memorial options will be updated as they become available.

Our history

Bellarine Memorial Park was previously farmland. The plantation commenced in the mid 1950s and began with wheat, sunflower, almonds and finally, blue gum.

Central and northern areas of the site were also previously used for potato farming. 

Let's Talk

Our friendly client services team is here to help and welcomes any questions you may have. Caring for our communities is what we do best.